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1913 W. Townline Rd. Peoria, IL 61615


Letters to the Editor in Support of HB 5931

Most newspapers publish a Letter to the Editor section daily.  You can send a letter to your local paper, including smaller community papers, and to newspapers that consider themselves state-wide or regional papers, such as the State Journal Register in Springfield, the Chicago Tribune and Crain’s.

Getting a letter in the paper is like free advertising for our campaign for livable wages for DSPs.  But first you have to write the letter, and make it brief and interesting so that the editor wants to publish it.

First, write a letter.  Things to remember:

  • Most papers require letters to the editor to be less than 250 words.  The shorter they are the more likely they are to be published.
  • If you can link HB 5931 to something topical in the news or especially to an article you recently read in that paper, that also increases the chances that you will be published.
  • Personal stories are more compelling than facts and figures. Talk about what DSPs do and why that is important to you.
  • If you want specifics go to wearedsps.com where you will find fact sheets
  • Include a message about how critical it is that lawmakers override the Governor’s veto of HB 5931.

Second, find out how your target paper wants letters submitted.  That might be a traditional letter or an e-mail or an on-line form.  If it isn’t listed below, check their website.  Be sure to include your full name, address and phone number. Most papers will want to verify the letter before publication.